PLASTIC MONSTER | Art Installation | Plastic Free March 2019
In July 2019, alongside the Indonesian Minister of Maritime Affairs & Fisheries, Khayalan Arts teamed up with 49 Non-Government Organizations & many more fellow ocean lovers from all over Indonesia - we marched a symbolic monster in Jakarta’s busiest major thoroughfare in solidarity against single-use plastic waste & made headlines across the nation.
Our team is responsible for the design & creation of 5m tall monster fish that was built using plastic rubbish collected within the region of the Thousand Islands. The final fish design represents 500kg of plastic waste - of which is only equivalent to 1/20th of the staggering daily waste produced from the city of Jakarta.
Khayalan Arts had the honor to work with the amazing folks @econusa_id @iddkp @diverscleanaction @greenpeaceid @pulauplastik @pulihkanjakarta @indorelawan, amongst many other passionate activists, in launching an awareness campaign of stopping single-use plastic.
We want a better & sustainable future for our next generation. So lets spread the story & implement alternative solutions to our plastic issue.